Small business owners plead “No more shut downs”
Small business owners anticipate permanent business…
Continue ReadingSmall business owners anticipate permanent business…
Continue ReadingCOSTA CENTRAL, Calif (KMUV) La foto de dos niñas, sentadas detrás del restaurante Taco bell en salinas tratando de acceder el internet…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV) Autoridades y funcionarios en el Condado de Monterey están desmintiendo varias alegaciones que fueron hechas acerca de la…
Continue ReadingAIR QUALITY (PM2.5 AQI as of 7PM)Good to Moderate for all reporting areas.High pressure slowly strengthens builds in from the northwest over the next…
Continue ReadingSeveral buildings are reopening at UC Santa Cruz 11 days after they were initially evacuated due to…
Continue ReadingMONTEREY, Calif. (KMUV) El restaurante-bar Bull & Bear Whiskey Bar and Taphouse anunció en redes sociales que cerrarán sus puertas de manera…
Continue ReadingA picture showing two Salinas girls doing schoolwork outside a Taco Bell went viral last week, and…
Continue ReadingThe Bull & Bear Whiskey Bar and Taphouse announced on social media that it is permanently…
Continue ReadingSANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KMUV) Autoridades arrestaron a un hombre de Santa Cruz por presuntamente encender una casa por la Avenida 25 y East Cliff Drive.…
Continue ReadingA driver has died after her vehicle went over a cliff off Highway 1…
Continue ReadingThe US Department of Agriculture announced that it will extend its summer meal program, which serves free…
Continue ReadingOnline applications and renewal requests forms for Santa Cruz County evacuees using the…
Continue ReadingA Santa Cruz man is booked in county jail accused of setting a house on fire at the corner of 25th Avenue and East Cliff Drive. There were several…
Continue ReadingAfter fires broke out in Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties, several post offices closed, but one has now…
Continue ReadingCARMEL VALLEY, Calif. (KION) The Carmel Fire is now 97% contained and weather conditions are helping to reduce fire activity. Cal Fire said there…
Continue ReadingAbout 35,000 people have been told to leave their homes as a result of the CZU August Lightning Complex…
Continue ReadingFor Salinas mom of seven, Georgia Garden, a typical morning revolves around online school. “I would say a good third of the time we spend online in…
Continue ReadingA study shows California’s stay-at-home order in response to the coronavirus seems to have saved some…
Continue ReadingAIR QUALITY (PM2.5 AQI as of 7:30am)Good to Moderate for all reporting areas.High pressure will then strengthen over the region this week with warmer…
Continue ReadingA Boulder Creek man is in custody after the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office said what appeared to be pipe bombs were found near Lake…
Continue ReadingSalons and barber shops reopen for indoor…
Continue ReadingMonterey disaster recovery center for fire…
Continue ReadingAIR QUALITY (PM2.5 AQI as of 3PM)Good to Moderate for all reporting areas.A weak trough of low pressure will linger just off the West Coast this…
Continue ReadingA motorcyclist is undergoing treatment for life threatening injuries after being involved in an accident along U.S. Highway 17…
Continue ReadingSANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KION) A recovery resource center for people impacted by the recent wildfires is now open at the Kaiser Permanente Arena in Santa…
Continue ReadingAaron and Kate are the founders of the Live Like Coco Foundation, a Santa Cruz based nonprofit helping kids grow up healthy and with opportunities to…
Continue ReadingSANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KION) Frustration mounting as businesses in Santa Cruz County set to re-open indoors this weekend for services have to keep…
Continue ReadingSOLEDAD, Calif. (KION-TV) A Correctional Training Facility (CTF) inmate has died from apparent COVID-19 related complications, the California…
Continue ReadingAn around-the-clock firefight continues in Monterey County. Crews on the River, Carmel and Dolan fires stay on guard, and will until they are fully…
Continue ReadingThe man accused of stealing a firefighter’s wallet in Bonny Doon has pleaded not guilty to charges of theft.…
Continue ReadingCARMEL VALLEY, Calif (KMUV) A medida que sigue aumentando la contención para detener la propagación de los incendios Carmel y River, bomberos…
Continue ReadingThe Scotts Valley Police Department is looking for a man who stole a car out of a resident’s driveway just prior to the area being…
Continue ReadingCONDADO DE MONTEREY, Calif. (KMUV) Lápices, borradores, colores, cuadernos, tijeras.. La típica lista de útiles escolares incluye estos artículos…
Continue ReadingHollister Police Animal Care and Services is seeking information regarding a kitten that they say might have been the victim of animal…
Continue ReadingCALIFORNIA, Calif,. (KMUV) El gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, anunció el viernes un nuevo proceso de reapertura que le otorga más poder al…
Continue ReadingAIR QUALITY (PM2.5 AQI as of 12PM)Good to Moderate for all other reporting areas.A weak trough of low pressure will linger just off the West Coast…
Continue ReadingThe Seaside Police Department is looking for a man who went missing from his home…
Continue ReadingGovernor Gavin Newsom announced a colored-coded, tier based reopening place for the state Friday. Counties will now fall under one of four tiers:…
Continue ReadingGov. Gavin Newsom is providing an update on the state’s response to the COVID-19…
Continue ReadingSalinas police are investigating a homicide that happened in the 300 block of Archer Street Thursday…
Continue ReadingTiffany is a Salinas High School rising senior who is striving to make a positive difference for essential workers in her area. She is spearheading…
Continue ReadingAIR QUALITY ALERT (PM2.5 AQI as of 6:30am)UNHEALTHY for San Lorenzo ValleyMODERATE for Hollister and Big SurGood elsewhere. A weak trough of low…
Continue ReadingATLANTA, Ga. (CW69 News at 10) – Local and federal law enforcement agencies have found 39 missing children and arrested nine people through…
Continue ReadingSCOTTS VALLEY, Calif. (KION) Residents in Scotts Valley are slowly returning after days of being evacuated from their city because of the CZU August…
Continue ReadingSCOTTS VALLEY, Calif. (KION) Thursday afternoon cars poured back into the city of Scotts Valley and the surrounding unincorporated area as soon as…
Continue ReadingCONDADO DE MONTEREY, Calif. (KMUV) Equipos en el Condado de Monterey ya terminaron de evaluar los daños provocados por incendios River y Carmel.…
Continue ReadingOn Thursday, helicopters pulled water from the ocean and used it to put out flames that still burn deep in the hills near Julia Pfeiffer Burns State…
Continue ReadingCONDADO DE SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KMUV) La Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Santa Cruz acaba de arrestar al sujeto que presuntamente se robó la…
Continue ReadingFELTON / SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif (KMUV) El Departamento de Policía de Scotts Valley anuncio que la orden de evacuación en la…
Continue ReadingAn Air Force sergeant pleaded not guilty Thursday to murder charges in the ambush killing of a sheriff’s…
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