Gilroy residents honor victims on anniversary of garlic festival shooting
GILROY, Calif (KION) On Sunday evening, residents prepared to take a moment of silence, then ring bells in honor of the victims in the Gilroy Garlic…
Continue ReadingShannon Longworth is a multi-media journalist at KION News Channel 5/46.
GILROY, Calif (KION) On Sunday evening, residents prepared to take a moment of silence, then ring bells in honor of the victims in the Gilroy Garlic…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION) Julianna Davis talks to her father, Robert Davis, every day. He’s in the Monterey County Jail–home to one of the largest…
Continue ReadingMONTEREY, Calif. (KION) With Central Coast counties on the state watch list, restrictions on things like personal care services, gyms, and places of…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION) Religious ceremonies are one of the many activities people on the Central Coast say they’ve missed over the past few months.…
Continue ReadingWith restrictions on indoor operations for many businesses in Monterey County, some are hitting the parking lot. Crossfit Hyperactive, a gym in…
Continue ReadingCAPITOLA, Calif. (KION) People visiting Capitola beach lately to enjoy the sun or a swim might’ve noticed the absence of lifeguards. Like other…
Continue ReadingSEASIDE, Calif. (KION) People lined up in their cars, and on the sidewalk, to pick up food outside City Hall in Seaside on Saturday. “All types of…
Continue ReadingSEASIDE, Calif. (KION) Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that several business sectors will be required to close indoor operations statewide. He also said…
Continue ReadingMONTEREY, Calif. (KION) Governor Gavin Newsom called for Monterey County bars to shut down operations on Monday. So, the gates to Fieldwork Brewing…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION) Fireworks lit up all over the Central Coast on Fourth of July weekend, and many enjoy the spectacle as a way to celebrate. But…
Continue ReadingPeople strolling on Old Fisherman’s Wharf in Monterey on Sunday were wearing masks, in accordance with the city’s requirement. A lot of them said…
Continue ReadingLocals and tourists flocked to Santa Cruz beaches for the 4th of July weekend. The only Central Coast beaches open this weekend are in Santa Cruz…
Continue ReadingPeople gathered in Salinas on Saturday to call for a congressional investigation into the case of Vanessa Guillen, a Fort Hood soldier who went…
Continue ReadingCAPITOLA, Calif. (KION) Dozens of people came out to Capitola Beach Friday, as the sun set, to celebrate the life of Cal Fire Captain David Lutz. The…
Continue ReadingProtesters gathered in Capitola’s Monterey Park on Wednesday night to support the Black Lives Matter Movement. The demonstration comes on the heels…
Continue ReadingThe state reported that hospitals in Monterey County had 26 positive COVID-19 patients as of Monday. 17 of them were in Salinas Valley Memorial…
Continue ReadingSANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KION) The Central Coast’s reopening has been weeks in the making now. Shops, restaurants and gyms have all started to welcome…
Continue ReadingResidents in Seaside said they’re tired of the nightly fireworks, which have been going on for weeks…
Continue ReadingA plaque honoring a confederate general was dismantled outside Colton Hall, according to the City of Monterey. The city announced that it will not be…
Continue ReadingPACIFIC GROVE, Calif. (KION) A Pacific Grove resident is warning the community after his dog was chased by a coyote this weekend. It happened at…
Continue ReadingMonterey county is allowing people to form groups of 12. These people can gather with each other, and only each other.…
Continue ReadingVisitors took advantage of a sunny Saturday on Lake Nacimiento to start off the summer. They said they were celebrating Father’s Day, the first day…
Continue ReadingNail salons are among the many personal services returning on Friday. But there’s a lot of physical contact involved in getting a manicure or…
Continue ReadingBusinesses have the right to refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask during a pandemic, according to Santa Cruz…
Continue ReadingA local community health clinic, Clinica de Salud, did more than just offer medical services on Saturday. Clinic employees provided food for…
Continue ReadingSeaside will join other cities on the Central Coast in facilitating an outdoor dining program on Saturday. If the night is both busy and safe, the…
Continue ReadingProtesters throughout the Central Coast are pushing to defund police departments. But the phrase means different changes to different…
Continue ReadingSergeant Damon Gutzwiller was killed in a shooting ambush over the weekend. A memorial dedicated to him has grown outside the Santa Cruz County…
Continue ReadingSanta Cruz County Sheriff Jim Hart said on Saturday night that the suspect in a shooting ambush, Steven Carrillo, has been taken into custody. And…
Continue ReadingA protest on Tuesday put the spotlight on the black community in Seaside. But business owners within the community said they are still suffering the…
Continue ReadingProtests on the Central Coast continued into Monday evening. It was a quiet scene outside the Salinas Sports Complex as people gathered to stand in…
Continue ReadingMonterey and Santa Cruz Counties moved further into Stage 2 of Governor Newsom’s plan to reopen the economy, and restaurants began to welcome diners…
Continue ReadingWhile violence broke out at demonstrations around the county, that was not the case on the Central Coast. Peaceful demonstrations took place in…
Continue ReadingHigh school seniors in Soledad banded together with parents over the last week to push for something more personal than a drive-through graduation…
Continue ReadingSANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KION) The Santa Cruz County Public Health Department is expected to issue a revised shelter-in-place order on Tuesday, according…
Continue ReadingThings are looked pretty different this Memorial Day weekend on Monterey beaches. Everyone was standing, strolling or…
Continue ReadingSeaside City Council Candidate Alexis Garcia-Arrazola hosted a relief drive on Saturday for people in the hospitality industry who are out of work…
Continue ReadingA Carmel Unified School District Board of Education meeting Tuesday brought change. The board approved the mutual consent agreement that will provide…
Continue ReadingUnder shelter-in-place orders, many are spending the majority of their days at home. But outdoor exercise is considered an essential activity. So…
Continue ReadingUnder Monterey County’s current shelter-in-place order, retail businesses are allowed to serve customers through curbside pickup. But many small…
Continue ReadingTuck Box, a Carmel restaurant that opened for in-house dining last week under a shelter-in-place order, already had support from a number of local…
Continue ReadingCentral Coast residents flocked to the beach today to enjoy the warm weather… this is . While the city’s partial beach closure prohibits lounging,…
Continue ReadingThe Coronavirus pandemic has presented new challenges to the way people buy and sell houses.…
Continue ReadingSan Benito County meets Governor Newsom’s qualifications to reopen restaurants, according to county public health…
Continue ReadingMOSS LANDING, Calif. (KION) Santa Cruz surfer Ben Kelly’s death marked the first unprovoked shark attack in Monterey Bay in 30 years, according to…
Continue ReadingThe surfing community in Santa Cruz mourned the loss of 26-year-old Ben Kelly on Sunday. Kelly was killed in a shark attack a day…
Continue ReadingMONTEREY, Calif. (KION) Governor Gavin Newsom gave his recommendations, and Central Coast counties agreed, we are officially in stage two of…
Continue ReadingUnder Monterey County’s shelter-in-place order, childcare facilities are open, but not just for frontline workers.…
Continue ReadingThe owner of a Central Coast fitness studio said that he should be able to open his facility because its small class size allows for social…
Continue ReadingMonday was the first day of Monterey County’s revised shelter-in-place order, and some businesses are reopening. Fabric stores are among them, and…
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