Cabrillo College robotics club wins second straight World Mate ROV Competition
APTOS, Calif. (KION-TV)- The Cabrillo College robotics club has become a dynasty as they won their second straight World MATE ROV Competition.
The international competition had students design and build underwater robots to complete tasks with real world applications. The competition took place in Longmont, Colo. and featured 63 different teams from 12 different countries.
The Cabrillo College club was represented by students Isaac Eda, Isaac Wax, Orion Ellefson, Ciaran Farley, Stephanie L'Heureux and Kai Peters. The club's advisor is Mike Matera who is a Computer and Information Systems instructor at the college.
Cabrillo College's club took the top spot of "Pioneer First Place, All-Around Champion" with their ROV named "Seahawk".
The team won a trophy plus a one-year membership in the Marine Technology Society, a $500 Visa Gift Card and four underwater ROV thrusters.
"Next year we will compete in the Explorer division against four-year schools. I'm excited to see them
rise to the challenge," Matera said.
The Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center was established with funding by the National Science Foundation via a grant to Monterey Peninsula College in 1997.