8th Annual Salinas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Hundreds came out to see the 8th Annual Tree for Peace Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Downtown Salinas. Organizers say its their biggest turn out yet. This year, several high school students wrote messages of peace on ribbons and decorated the tree with them.
“It’s just so encouraging to see so many children and youth groups come
together. Salinas is vibrant, alive, and well tonight and here’s to a great
season,” said Event Chair, Steve McShane.
“This really shows the side of our city that we don’t get a lot of time to
talk about. You know, everyone is building things, we’re getting streets,
but this really shows the community involvement and the good stuff,” said Salinas Mayor, Joe Gunter.
The event was complete with kids on a drumline, a choir, and what seemed
like a full-on youth orchestra to entertain those who showed up. Event
organizers estimated that over 300 people showed up.