What summer weather was like the year you were born
To illustrate what summer weather was like from 1920 to 2021, Stacker consulted data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).…
Continue ReadingTo illustrate what summer weather was like from 1920 to 2021, Stacker consulted data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).…
Continue ReadingRo explored the history of exercise regimens and how the fitness industry has evolved over the past 70…
Continue ReadingIoT Secure lists 10 ways that smart devices can improve the quality of life for disabled people in their…
Continue ReadingTo help people who find it difficult to get quality sleep, Sunday Citizen compiled tips and best sleeping practices for overcoming…
Continue ReadingTop10.com scoured scientific literature to find out which traits may be at least partly determined by genetics—and the findings were…
Continue ReadingGuava Health investigates six different methods scientists are exploring to understand how to slow…
Continue ReadingACLS Medical Training put together a timeline chronicling the long history of trying to revive victims of heart attacks or drownings, from methods…
Continue ReadingDietMenus compiled information about the five different types that exist and whether they are beneficial or detrimental to your…
Continue ReadingJust in time for Dinosaur Day June 1, Stacker looks at the states with the most dinosaur fossils with help from the Paleobiology Database. Seven…
Continue ReadingStacker outlined what 100% renewable energy could look like across the U.S. by 2050, citing projections from Stanford and The Solutions Project.…
Continue ReadingHealthMatch finds that although breast and cervical cancer screenings are the most effective tools for early detection, the U.S. needs to address…
Continue ReadingZinnia Health looked at the connection between mental illness and substance use disorder, citing early 2020 data from the Substance Abuse and Mental…
Continue ReadingStudy.com reports that the U.S health care system will experience significant changes as it adapts to keep nurses that can meet the needs of an aging…
Continue ReadingIn honor of World Space Week, Stacker has compiled a list of key astronomy and astrophysics terms that are out of this…
Continue ReadingDeciding to seek out counseling or medical treatment for mental health issues is one of the most difficult decisions, particularly for men. Ro…
Continue ReadingCPR can be a lifesaver in a medical emergency. ACLS Medical Training looked at research from BioMed Central and other sources such as the American…
Continue ReadingAre you over age 45? Guava Health outlines how frequently you should be screened for 10 health conditions and diseases, citing research from the…
Continue ReadingInspired by a list of green jobs in Data for Progress’ report, Stacker explains which occupations are on the front line against climate…
Continue ReadingUsing almanac and gardening sources, Angi compiled a list of 10 types of flowers that will produce colorful blooms at different times throughout the…
Continue ReadingSidecar Health presents statistics from the CDC illustrating disparities in heart health and how they deprive minority communities of the care needed…
Continue ReadingGuava Health compiled a list of important medical information to have prepared in case of an…
Continue ReadingWyndly uses research from Johns Hopkins University to take a deep dive into the different types of seasonal allergies and in which months they peak…
Continue ReadingHealthmatch reviewed articles from Cardiology Research and other sources to compile a timeline of the 100-year history of the development of an…
Continue ReadingComposting is an easy way to help your garden and the environment. Pela compiled 10 steps to help people start composting at…
Continue ReadingCiting data from SAMHSA, Zinnia Health identified the most commonly misused prescription drugs in the United…
Continue ReadingThink rates of heart disease are the same across the United States? ACLS Medical Training breaks down the more complicated truth with a look at rates…
Continue ReadingThe American Cancer Society predicts 1,918,030 new cancer cases in the U.S. in 2022 and 609,360 cancer deaths. Using data from the Centers for…
Continue ReadingAlmond Cow examined what’s behind the newest anti-diet diet craze of intuitive eating—and how perspectives among Americans and scientists are…
Continue ReadingZinnia Health identified the number of patients seeking treatment for substance use disorder in every state and Washington…
Continue ReadingHeart disease is the #1 killer of Americans today—1 in 4 people die from this health condition. ACLS Medical Training put together a list of health…
Continue ReadingStacker compiled a gallery of incredible photos of the sun from space using NASA’s image…
Continue ReadingStacker cited data from the National Interagency Fire Center, NOAA, and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to visualize how…
Continue ReadingStacker described how COVID-19 treatments and vaccines have shifted through the first two years of the pandemic, using information from the Centers…
Continue ReadingTo discover how climate-resilient construction can help to mitigate natural disasters, Stacker first determined the economic damage within the United…
Continue ReadingThere’s a variety of ways to improve heart health, without frequenting the doctor’s office. Thistle compiled a list of how people can support a…
Continue ReadingStacker compiled a list of 10 animals often misjudged and misunderstood by humans. Keep reading to learn the roles these 10 misunderstood animals…
Continue ReadingSidecar Health cited data from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Microsoft to identify counties considered primary care shortage…
Continue ReadingStacker takes a look at 30 ways the weather has shaped human history, including the event that kicked off the Salem Witch Trials, a new clue in the…
Continue ReadingFruits and vegetables contain nutrients that are vital to the body’s overall well-being. Thistle explored trends on how the states compare on daily…
Continue ReadingCirrusMD compiled seven statistics on how telemedicine impacts women’s health…
Continue ReadingRo looks at the social and economic factors that influence obesity rates across the United…
Continue ReadingPeople with symptoms of COVID-19 that persist weeks or months after they get infected are known as long-haulers. Cognitive FX put together a list of…
Continue ReadingSunday Citizen consulted international dictionaries and cross-cultural websites to identify words in other languages related to wellness that don’t…
Continue ReadingThese 10 states have the largest solar economies, according to Stacker’s analysis of data from the Solar Energy Industries…
Continue ReadingUltra-processed foods are affordable and convenient, but they also lead to weight gain. Perfect Keto reviewed various scientific studies to see why…
Continue ReadingGuava Health draws on numerous public health sources to examine the many upsides to tracking your health care and history over time.…
Continue ReadingSidecar Health used news sources and research reports to compile a list of how the changing workplace in the United States could impact the health…
Continue ReadingCognitive FX consulted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mayo Clinic, and other long-established health organizations to identify five…
Continue ReadingStacker looks at how long it takes for the things people throw away to decompose. From a few days to millions of years, find out the decomposition…
Continue ReadingWith the cold weather settling over much of the U.S., View compiled a list of reasons you might be feeling the winter blues and how you can combat…
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