Alisal Union Unified School rumors school threats
SALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): The Alisal Union Unified School District made aware of some rumors on social media threatening harm to schools. The…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): The Alisal Union Unified School District made aware of some rumors on social media threatening harm to schools. The…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, CA. (KION-TV): Salinas Police discovered an illegal gambling operation in North Salinas.…
Continue ReadingKING CITY, Calif. (KION-TV): There’s a heat advisory for parts of South Monterey County.…
Continue ReadingCAPITOLA, Calif. (KION-TV): Capitola is expecting an influx of visitors because of Labor Day…
Continue ReadingSEASIDE, Calif. (KION-TV): The office of Health Care Affordability is holding a meeting Wednesday morning to address healthcare challenges in the…
Continue ReadingMONTEREY, Calif. (KION-TV): Thursday afternoon will be the kickoff of the Monterey County…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): PG&E customers are extra vigilant because the company said utility scammers are increasing this…
Continue ReadingPACIFIC GROVE, Calif. (KION-TV): People who live in Pacific Grove have been complaining about the…
Continue ReadingWATSONVILLE, Calif. (KION-TV): Pajaro Valley Unified School District launched an attendance campaign for this 2024-2025 school…
Continue ReadingPACIFIC GROVE, Calif. (KION-TV): On Wednesday night, Pacific Grove City Council will be discussing re-establishing a crosswalk at an intersection…
Continue ReadingWATSONVILLE, Calif. (KION-TV): Pajaro Valley Unified School District introduced an attendance campaign to ensure students are in class everyday.…
Continue ReadingMONTEREY, Calif. (KION-TV): Monterey Car Week is in full effect and is bringing in a lot of people out of the area into the Central Coast to see…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Una madre está de luto después de que su hijo de tres años fuera mortalmente atropellado el viernes por la tarde en…
Continue ReadingSANTA CLARA, (KMUV-TV): Los Earthquakes se imponen ante las Chivas del Guadalajara, en un reñido encuentro de la Leagues Cup…
Continue ReadingPACIFIC GROVE, Calif. (KION-TV): Several events took place in Pacific Grove on Friday and will be taking place tomorrow hosted by the PG Youth…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Los estudiantes en las secundarias del Distrito de Salinas pronto tendrán que guardar sus teléfonos en el ciclo escolar…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): Salinas Union High School District will make their middle schoolers put away their phone during school hours. KION’s…
Continue ReadingWATSONVILLE, Calif. (KION-TV): Watsonville Police department arrested a youth sports coach for sexual abuse of a boy under 13 years old. KION’s…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Un señor se encontraba cambiando el neumático de su carro al lado de la carretera 101 al sur de Laurel Drive en Salinas…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif.(KION-TV): A global tech outage affected county services earlier Friday morning. KION’s Nataly Gutierrez will be speaking to all three…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law on Monday that will stop schools from notifying parents if a student changes their…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): The Monterey County crop report for 2023 is out and the Monterey AG commissioner said because of storms last year we saw a…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV-TV): El informe de la cosecha del Condado Monterey para 2023 está disponible y el Comisionado del Condado del Agricultura dijo…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): Los negocios se preparan para la gran semana del Rodeo de California…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): The countdown for the CA Rodeo Salinas starts now. KION’s Nataly Gutierrez will be in checking in with Salinas Police to…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, California (KMUV-TV) — Los votantes de California decidirán en las elecciones de noviembre si quieren votar por un bono de 10 mil millones…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): California voters will decide in the November election if they want to vote for a $10 billion bond for…
Continue ReadingSAN LUCAS, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Una comunidad no incorporada del Condado Monterey está buscando formas de mantenerse hidratada en medio de las altas…
Continue ReadingSAN LUCAS, Calif. (KION-TV): San Lucas in South Monterey County is in a heat advisory and people in the area don’t have clean drinking water. KION’s…
Continue ReadingMONTEREY, Calif.(KMUV-TV): El fin de semana festivo ya se acabo y la gente está volviendo a casa después de pasar unos días en la Costa…
Continue ReadingMONTEREY, Calif.(KION-TV): A lot of people traveled this Fourth of July weekend. KION’s Nataly is checking in with travelers who are coming back home…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): A mobile home in Salinas got caught on fire on the Fourth of July. KION’s Nataly Gutierrez will speaking with the renter…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. A man of Salinas lost three of fingers back in 2020 for using fireworks on Fourth of July. KION’s Nataly Gutierrez will be speaking…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Algunas personas sienten una pesadilla con la llegada del 4 de Julio, al recordar momentos que marcaron sus vidas, para…
Continue ReadingSOLEDAD, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Mucha gente en la Costa Central puede escaparse y mantenerse frescos ante las altas temperaturas, pero, es diferente para…
Continue ReadingSOLEDAD, Calif. (KION-TV): Many people in the Central Coast can escape and stay cool from the high temperatures, but its a different story for the…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, California (KMUV-TV): Los trabajadores agrícolas a lo largo de la Costa Central se están protegiendo contra el aumento del calor. Un grupo…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): Farmworkers in the Central Coast stay protective while temperatures rise.…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): A handful state laws went into effect this Monday, one gives more protection to…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): A new Monterey County pilot program aims to give Spanish speakers more to listen and weigh in on the Monterey County…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Un nuevo programa piloto del Condado Monterey permite a los hispanohablantes escuchar y opinar en las reuniones de los…
Continue ReadingSEASIDE, Calif. (KION-TV): A residential burglary occurred on June 15th on Peninsula Point Drive in Seaside and Seaside police needs the help of the…
Continue ReadingSEASIDE, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Un robo ocurrió en un casa el 15 de Junio en la calle Peninsula Point Dr en…
Continue ReadingWATSONVILLE, Calif. (KMUV-TV): Mas ayuda en camino para jóvenes y adultos que sufren por consumo de sustancias en el Condado de Santa…
Continue ReadingWATSONVILLE, Calif. (KION-TV): More help is on the way for youth and adults who experience substance use disorder in Santa Cruz…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV-TV): El Distrito Escolar de Alisal esta tratando de crear conciencia a los padres sobre la prevención de consumo de drogas y…
Continue ReadingCOUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KION-TV): On Tuesday, the Santa Cruz County supervisors will be discussing to bring a low-impact camping ordinance to…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KION-TV): The Alisal Union School District is expanding it’s mental health…
Continue ReadingSEASIDE, Calif. (KION-TV): Juneteenth fue reconocido oficialmente por el Presidente Joe Biden como dia festivo a nivel federal en el…
Continue ReadingSEASIDE, Calif. (KION-TV): Juneteenth is a Federal holiday that is celebrated across the country, and there’s a lot of history behind the…
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