What declining college enrollment means for the future of higher education
tkroot // Shutterstock
What declining college enrollment means for the future of higher education
College graduates in black caps and gowns in a line.
Leigh Trail // Shutterstock
State universities may consolidate campuses
Students sit and study on the lawn of a big university.
michaeljung // Shutterstock
Top students will receive more merit aid offers
Students in caps and gowns hold their diplomas wrapped in red ribbons.
The Image Party // Shutterstock
Schools with mostly local student populations will feel demographic shifts of their region
Quad area buildings of a small college in California.
Vasin Lee // Shutterstock
Demand for student housing may finally cool
Empty hallway of light green dorm room doors.
AimPix // Shutterstock
Fewer schools will offer need-blind admission policies
Students taking a quiz in a college classroom.
Gorodenkoff // Shutterstock
International student enrollments may decline
Professor holds a laptop while speaking in front of a college class.
Smart7 // Shutterstock
More schools will downsize majors and academic programs
Empty green chairs in a lecture room.