Multiple road closures in Santa Cruz County

SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, Calif. (KION-TV)- Although there are no current evacuation warnings in Santa Cruz County, there are several road closures in Santa Cruz County.
This list of road closures will be updated.
Road Closures
Highway 1 closed at the San Mateo County/Santa Cruz County border line due to downed wires in the area.
Highway 9 from the Junction with Highway 236 to Highway 9 and 35. County officials said it is down to one-way traffic near Ben Lomond from north of Felton to Ben Lomond.
Soquel San Jose Road which sits north of Olsen Road is shut down in Soquel due to a fallen tree blocking the road. The California Highway Patrol said there is no current time for when the road will reopen.
Highway 9 at Sanborn Road is closed in both directions near Sanborn County Park in Santa Clara County due to a mudslide.
Plateau Drive in Felton and Brookwood Drive just north of Live Oak are both closed due to flooding.
This story will continue to be updated