CSU Administration explains how multi-year tuition proposal could be a positive

MARINA, CALIF. (KION-TV)- California State University broke down the possible tuition for its schools across the state.
CSU reps say they still want to remain an affordable university option for students.
But they also stress they need to compete with other colleges to make sure they have the best resources available.
During Wednesday’s meeting, financial experts went into detail about the multi-year tuition proposal.
This proposal would schedule 6% tuition increases for five years. If approved, that hike would start fall 2024.
CSU leaders like Executive Vice Chair And Chief Financial Officer Steve Relyea understand that costs are going up, but say this increase benefits both students and universities.
“What this is trying to say is, let's try to have a stable platform that we can keep up with that kind of inflationary pressure,” Relyea said. “But, at the same time, keep CSU affordable and ensure that we have financial aid for those students who need the financial aid.”
Assistant Vice Chancellor Ryan Storm broke down the finances.
In the first year alone, the new proposal would bring in an estimated $148 million of new ongoing revenue. Of that $148 million, $49 million would go to increase student financial aid.
Over the five year increase proposal it’s estimated that $840 million of new ongoing revenue would be made. That would increase financial aid by $280 million.
The CSU board of trustees will vote on the tuition proposal next Wednesday.