Info on Monterey County COVID-19 vaccination clinics for those eligible

MONTEREY COUNTY, Calif. (KION) Monterey County residents and employees who are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine are allowed to do so, but by appointment only through a number of upcoming clinics in the county.
The county lists multiple requirements for those who are eligible to be vaccinated to do so.
This includes providing proof of employment at the business sectors which currently qualify, plus a "medical face sheet" for those at skilled nursing/long term care facilities.
Business sectors which currently qualify under the state's Phase 1A 1-3 tier guidance include:
- Acute care, psychiatric and correctional facility hospitals
- Paramedics, EMTs and others providing emergency medical services
- Dialysis center employees
- Home health care and in-home supportive services
- Community health workers including promotoras
- Public health field staff
- Primary care clinics, including correctional facility clinics and rural health centers
- Specialty clinics, such as optometry, cardiology, etc.
- Lab workers
- Dental and other oral health clinics
- Pharmacy staff not working in settings at higher tiers
- Mortuary workers
Those who are employees of the above sectors or residents of skilled nursing/long-term care facilities can make an appointment with multiple clinics taking place.
Upcoming clinics include those at Mee Memorial, North Monterey County High and the Salinas Sports Complex.
If you're eligible to be vaccinated you can register for these sites by clicking this link and scrolling down to the portion of the page that reads "Register for a vaccination appointment."
You can also find more information on requirements to be vaccinated at that page.