Children learn about MLK’s legacy as nation faces moments of civil unrest

Children around Monterey County are learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and his life’s achievements. United Way Monterey County is hosting a series of virtual literacy events. Volunteers from Union Bank, Comcast, and the Seaside City Council read to children this week with the Seaside Child Development Center and at the Marina Child Development Center.
Volunteers like Alexis Garcia-Arrazola, who serves the City of Seaside, read ‘Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr.’ and I am brave’ by Jean Marzollo.
UWMC says, “it is a tradition of United Ways to mobilize volunteers on Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Day. It is recognized as a federal holiday but for us, it is a ‘Day On’ and ‘Not a Day Off’,” said Katy Castagna, President and CEO. “We usually bring our community together to celebrate Dr. King, Jr’s legacy with an in-person event, but this year we are proceeding with virtual literacy events, teaching our young learners about his principles of unity, inclusion, kindness and peace,” added Castagna.
Teaching children about inclusion and diversity can’t come at a more timely moment in history. The nation is facing intense civil unrest over the presidential elections.
A newly elected senator from Georgia, Raphael Warnock, says recently twitted, “In this moment of unrest, violence and anger, we must remember the words of Dr. King, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Let each of us try to be a light to see our country out of this dark moment.”