The spirit of Asilomar lives on 50 years later
ASILOMAR STATE BEACH, Calif. (KION-TV) -- Asilomar State Beach is hosting an event called “The Spirit of Asilomar and the Future of Biotechnology” to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 1975 international meeting on recombinant DNA molecules at the Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove.
"We are fully aware that the 1975 meeting has long been invoked in divergent ways. Was it an exercise in responsible self-governance? Or closed-door scheming by elites seeking to subvert regulation and public oversight?" Asked Spirit of Asilomar coordinators Luis Campos, Michelle DiMeo, Drew Endy and David Cole. "Many, including some laureates from 1975, have sought to 'bury Asilomar' and some might even wish to do the same today. However, contestations over the meaning of Asilomar may ultimately be what Asilomar is most about."
The group says that exactly 50 years ago, international leaders from academic sciences and humanities, government, journalism, industry, civil society and the arts gathered over innovations in science, which still resonate today.
Now, another group of professionals will meet in the same location about risk and regulation in biotechnology. According to the coordinators, summit theme topics include artificial intelligence and biotechnology, biotechnologies beyond conventional containment, as well as framing biotechnology’s futures.
"Why is this contested dynamic itself so important? Scientists who first become aware of potential hazards arguably have an obligation to raise concerns," wrote the coordinators on the website.
An early report on the 1975 meeting is cited on the event webpage, saying: “Future historians of science may well record that a highly significant event took place in a California state park between February 24 and 27, 1975.”
The entire conference will last from February 23 until February 26 with a jam-packed schedule during the four-day conference.
On February 23, the community is invited to revisit the original, historic 1975 conference through a series of free activities between 1 and 4 p.m. at Grace Dodge Chapel at Asilomar Conference Grounds.
Some of the events included in the free portion of Sunday's lineup, include an introductory lecture; roundtable “Voices from 1975” with witnesses and contemporaries of Asilomar 1975; roundtable “A Usable Past” with historians of the life sciences; a live performance called “The Choreography of CRISPR” by Pigeonwing Dance; and a curated exhibition of archival photographs and audio of Asilomar 1975.
People interested in attending Sunday's event are encouraged to RSVP as space is limited.
There will be "Sneak Peek" tours of Asilomar grounds with special emphasis on the 1975 conference as well as this year's conference offered on Monday and Tuesday, February 24 and 25, 2 until 4 p.m. (reservations are required).
"What will another generation 50 years from now, in 2075, say about February 2025?" Asked the event coordinators.