Free Narcan kits will be given out during West End Celebration

SAND CITY, Calif. (KION-TV)- August 31st is National Overdose Awareness Day. This weekend, Community Human Services will be handing out over 400 free Narcan kits at the West End Celebration on August 26 -27.
The Community Human Services booth will be located just down from the Redwood Stage.
Community Human Services Board President and Sand City Mayor Mary Ann Carbone said she recently had the chance to use the Narcan kit while attending a birthday party at hotel, when
“She was just sitting there nodding out,” said Carbone. Carbone and her daughter were able to revive the woman and may have saved her life.
“An overdose can happen anywhere. Narcan is safe and easy to use, keep a Narcan kit in your car, and you may save a life,” stated Community Human Services Chief Executive Officer Robin McCrae.
In 2018, Monterey County had the second-lowest opioid-related death rate of any county in California. Fatal overdoses from opioids have increased eightfold since 2018, with 65 opioid-related deaths in 2020 and 2021, prompting the medical community, community-based organizations, and families to step up their efforts in battling the opioid crisis and ask the community for help.
People can also get free Narcan kits anytime at Community Human Services Outpatient Treatment Centers in Salinas and Monterey.
For more details on CHS’ services, you can visit or call 831-658-3811.