Local Aptos resident embarks on a 2,650-mile hike
SALINAS, Calif. (KION) A local Aptos resident is currently on a hike that will total 2,650 miles, starting from the Mexican border and ending at the Canadian border.
Currently, Diane Delucchi is in the Mojave Desert in a place called Hikertown.
"Right now, we're on the aqueducts down in the Mojave Desert so we'll start tomorrow at 3 A.M. to beat the heat," said Delucchi.
Her niece says the decision to go on the months-long hike was a tough one, with Diane's mother suffering from Dementia, but Diane ultimately felt her mother would want her to live out her dream.
"My grandma would want her to go. She's checking on grandma all the time, and it's really, really sad," said Lyandra Lisaola.
How exactly does one prepare for a hike of this magnitude? Diane says the three most essential parts are the food, backpack, and tent.
"You gotta figure, you're out five, six months and everyday you have to have food. Every ounce counts, everything you pick up, you know you have to carry in your back," said Delucchi.
Through the help of technology, the family keeps track of her progress through a GPS tracker that allows them to know where she is at all times.
"It will tell us where's she's at, if anything happens to her, if she needs something we can press locate and that will locate her or I can message her," said Lisaola.
For Diane, the trek means more than just a simple hike.
"I'm not able to do this if I wasn't raised to go for what I want in life and my mom always said do the things you love to do, just keep doing it, and I think I followed what she has told me," said Delucchi.
Diane is expected to reach the Canadian border in September.