Aromas School evacuated for gas leak
Aromas School said in a social media post that evacuations are underway after a gas leak on campus.
The school said parents can pick up their students in the gymnasium. It also said the call out system is down, so staff is unable to make outgoing calls.
School staff said PG&E is on scene.
{“author_name”:”Aromas School”,”author_url”:””,”provider_url”:””,”provider_name”:”Facebook”,”success”:true,”height”:null,”html”:”&#lt;div id=”fb-root”&#gt;&#lt;/div&#gt;n&#lt;script async=”1″ defer=”1″ crossorigin=”anonymous” src=”″&#gt;&#lt;/script&#gt;&#lt;div class=”fb-post” data-href=”″ data-width=”552″&#gt;&#lt;blockquote cite=”″ class=”fb-xfbml-parse-ignore”&#gt;&#lt;p&#gt;PARENTS!!!ndue to a gas leak on campus we are evacuating students. Please pick up students in the gymnasium. nOur call out system is down and we are unable to send an all call.nPlease let parents know&#lt;/p&#gt;Posted by &#lt;a href=””&#gt;Aromas School&#lt;/a&#gt; on &#lt;a href=”″&#gt;Thursday, August 15, 2019&#lt;/a&#gt;&#lt;/blockquote&#gt;&#lt;/div&#gt;”,”type”:”rich”,”version”:”1.0″,”url”:”″,”width”:552}