DA’s Office releases new details in Seaside OIS
UPDATE 9/20/18 9:32 P.M.: A Marina man is in the hospital after being shot by police in Seaside.
According to police, around 1:40 p.m., the man led officers on a chase from Sand City to Seaside before crashing into a patrol car on Fremont Street Thursday.
It happened near Seaside High School, which concerned some residents who came to the council meeting Thursday night including a local pastor.
“My thinking only was based upon the fact that they felt everything was right there and there was nobody on the loose. I still don’t agree with that, but they called the one class inside.”
Police have identified the man as 34-year-old Brandon Virtue.
Police said a Seaside Police Officer fired one round which hit Virtue. Virtue is expected to survive.
Virtue’s parents told KION their son is a father of four with a new baby and is not a violent person.
“I don’t know what caused it, I don’t think as a military veteran and ex-military police officer I don’t see the reason to shoot somebody right next to a school on a street,” said Virtue’s father, Martin Peters.
“I can’t imagine what he would do or did to justify being shot.”
The Monterey County District Attorney’s Office is investigating.
The officer has been put on paid administrative leave.
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A suspect is in stable condition following an officer-involved-shooting in Seaside.
According to Seaside Police, the suspect was shot on Fremont Boulevard near Ord Grove Thursday afternoon.
The road has been shut down.
SPD told KION the officer involved was uninjured.
The Monterey County District Attorney’s Office is investigating this case.
This is a developing story. Check back for updates.