Santa Cruz Police PRIDE Program, BASTA get $25,000 donation
The Santa Cruz Police PRIDE Program and BASTA have received a $25,000 donation.
The donation comes from Randy and Janet Krassow, owners of Santa Cruz Memorial. It’s through a private foundation established by Randy Krassow and attorney Larry Brenner to fund local youth programs.
The P.R.I.D.E. program (Personally Responsible Individual Development in Ethics) is a 12-week prevention/intervention course for at-risk youth ages 12 to 15. It is designed to help young teens understand the impact of their current life choices upon their futures and aid them in their decision making processes, with the ultimate goal of assisting them onto a path toward a positive, successful life.
BASTA (Broad Based Supervision and Treatment Alternatives) is a countywide collaborative formed for the purpose of keeping schools and the community safe by reducing and preventing youth gang violence, school truancy, suspensions, expulsions, and alcohol and drug abuse.