Free vaccinations, immigration consultations to be provided at Royal Oaks event

ROYAL OAKS, Calif. (KION) Several Central Coast agencies are hosting a clinic to provide free COVID-19 vaccines, free immigration consultations and free tacos.
The event is scheduled for 12:30 to 3 p.m. at Full Gospel Church Las Lomas located at 29 Willow Road. Attendees should bring any documents they want to discuss.
The event is open to residents of Las Lomas, Pajaro, Moss Landing or Castroville.
Registration for the event is required, and there are several ways to sign up. For English, Spanish or Mixteco, call 831-274-3414, etc. 0. For Triqui or Mixteco, you can call 831-440-3556. You can also sign up online using the link here or scan the QR code in the event flyer below.
Event partners include the Pajaro Valley Prevention and Student Assistance, the Monterey County VIDA Project, New Full Gospel Church of Las Lomas and the Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County.