45 residents at Watsonville Post Acute test positive for COVID-19, 13 staff members

UPDATE 10/2/2020 12:40 p.m. Out of 73 residents at the Watsonville Post Acute Center, 45 have tested positive for COVID-19.
As of last week, 27 residents had tested positive. Two residents have died as a result of the virus- a man in his early 70's and a woman in her early 90's. Both had significant heath conditions, but COVID-19 was listed as the underlying cause of death.
Thirteen staff members have tested positive, up from 6 last week. The number of hospitalizations is unknown.
Watsonville Post Acute's sister facility, Watsonville Nursing Center, reports that one staff member has tested positive.
The National Guard is providing help at the center because of the number of staff members who have tested positive.
UPDATE 9/30/2020 1:30 p.m. KION has learned that there have now been a total of two COVID-19 deaths at the Watsonville Post Acute Center.
The deaths are the 11th and 12th in Santa Cruz County.
The first death happened on Thursday, and the patient was a White woman in her early 90's. COVID-19 was listed as the underlying cause of death, and she had multiple significant health conditions.
The second death happened on Friday, and the patient was a Black man in his early 70's. COVID-19 was listed as the underlying cause of death, and he had multiple significant health conditions.
PREVIOUS STORY: Santa Cruz County officials confirm that one person has died at the Watsonville Post Acute Center of COVID-19.
The person who died was a resident at the facility.
The facility reported last week that 27 out of 73 residents and 6 employees at the center tested positive for the virus. The facility said in a statement on its website, “residents who tested positive are in isolation meanwhile the employees who tested positive are at home in quarantine.”
Santa Cruz County Health Officer Dr. Gail Newel shared concerns that there was potential for more cases and a significant potential for fatalities.
Newel said the Watsonville Post Acute Center has not relaxed visitation policies and has taken precautions to prevent further spreading. The facility and its sister facility are not admitting new residents or discharging residents.
As of Thursday night, three residents were hospitalized with COVID-19.