City asking community for input in Watsonville downtown revitalization survey
WATSONVILLE, Calif. (KION) For the past several years, the City of Watsonville has been pushing for a
downtown revitalization project. Now they're asking for the community's feedback on how to mold Downtown Watsonville into something everyone in the city can enjoy.
"Downtown Watsonville is really a tale of two cities," described City Manger, Matt Huffaker. As a you take a stroll down Main Street you'll see small business, restaurants and community organizations thriving. On the other hand, there are a number of empty store fronts. But, plans are in motion to change that by making the area more inviting.
Huffaker continues, "My hope is that we’ll start to attract more small businesses into the downtown area, start filling up those empty store fronts, that have been setting empty for too long, and also see more opportunity to create a more vibrant, fun mix of things to do in our downtown."
Bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and improved streetscapes; there's no concrete plan, yet. The future vision of downtown Watsonville and what it could be has been up for discussion for some time. There are two different initiatives in place. The first, to make the area become more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, including ways to slow down traffic. The second, finding ways to build on the great things already in place.
For long time residents like, Ronald Stinson, they've seen downtown Watsonville morph through the years. He says he feels safer here compared to when he was in high school, but there's still room for improvement especially for the young ones. "Make it more kid friendly. There's a lot of things here but there's nothing for children." Another suggestion Stinson had, add more trees.
It's not just city official's discussion. They want to hear from those who live, work and play in downtown Watsonville, to help build the blue print plan. Huffaker stated, “We’ve heard feedback around increasing the amount of housing and opportunity for housing downtown. We’ve had community members wanting to have broader range of businesses and restaurants for the downtown area as well. Really just creating downtown as a destination location and not a pass through."
Greg Bobeda, Owner of Craft Bakeshop & Eatery, just moved his business from Corralitos to downtown Watsonville because the area offered more of an opportunity. His big concern, parking. "There's limited parking in the parking lot here for an hour, hour and half. Everything on the street around here is an hour, hour and half. I don't feel businesses coming to downtown should have to pay for the parking in the parking garage."
Bobeda says it's an important issue, considering his employees make minimum wage. However, he adds the city has been cleaning up the area a lot, and it's already nicer than it use to be. Though the revitalization vision of downtown Watonsville is something to look forward to, that growth doesn’t happen over night.
To encourage the growth, the city is asking for your thoughts. There is currently a survey for the community to give their input. You can visit City officials will also be at the farmers market every Friday to hear your opinions.