Sadio Mane donates $693,000 to fund hospital in his hometown in Senegal
By Sana Noor Haq, CNN Senegal and Liverpool football star Sadio Mane has donated $693,000 (£500,000) to help fund the construction of a hospital in…
Continue ReadingBy Sana Noor Haq, CNN Senegal and Liverpool football star Sadio Mane has donated $693,000 (£500,000) to help fund the construction of a hospital in…
Continue ReadingMariana Toro (CNN) — Beber hasta tres o cuatro tazas de café con cafeína o descafeinado al día reduce el riesgo de desarrollar y morir por…
Continue Readingolivertapia (CNN) — Llegar millonario a la jubilación no es tan descabellado como parece. Con un poco de ahorro, inversión y un plan adecuado,…
Continue ReadingBy Madeline Holcombe, Martin Savidge, Devon M. Sayers and Hollie Silverman, CNN When eight girls from the Tallapoosa County Girls Ranch were killed…
Continue Readingolivertapia Sao Paulo, Brasil (CNN) — Al menos 140 casos positivos de covid-19 han sido confirmados entre jugadores, miembros de delegaciones y…
Continue ReadingBy Jessie Yeung and Kocha Olarn, CNN A woman in Thailand found an unexpected visitor in her house in the middle of the night last weekend — a…
Continue Readingolivertapia (CNN Español) — La Policía Nacional de Nicaragua detuvo este lunes a la exdiputada por el Partido Liberal Constitucional y ex primera…
Continue Readingolivertapia (CNN) — Ashgabat, Turkmenistán, es la ciudad más cara del mundo para los trabajadores extranjeros, según la Encuesta de Costo de…
Continue ReadingBy Amy Sood, CNN A plague of mice in the Australian state of New South Wales has forced a prison to evacuate at least 420 inmates and 200 staff,…
Continue ReadingBy Rodrigo Pedroso, CNN At least 140 positive Covid-19 cases have been detected among players, members of delegations and service providers since the…
Continue ReadingBy Michelle Toh, CNN Business Bumble is giving its entire team a break. The dating app has shut down its offices around the world this week “as…
Continue Readingolivertapia (CNN) — Científicos cubanos anunciaron el lunes por la noche una tasa de eficacia del 92,28% para su candidata a vacuna contra el…
Continue Readingolivertapia (CNN Español) — En Guatemala cuatro jueces de los tribunales de Mayor Riesgo entregaron una carta a la fiscal general, Consuelo…
Continue ReadingAlexandra Ferguson San Francisco (CNN) — Ashley y Michelle Monterrosa respiraron profundamente y miraron hacia un grupo de madres y hermanos que…
Continue ReadingAlexandra Ferguson Washington (CNN) — Una coalición de grupos comerciales y sindicales de aerolíneas escribió el lunes al secretario de Justicia…
Continue ReadingBy Jamiel Lynch, CNN Two people are dead and four of their coworkers were hospitalized after a Covid-19 outbreak swept through a government building…
Continue ReadingIn King City, the City Council installed temporary reverse diagonal parking on a block of Broadway Street to test it out and decide whether to…
Continue ReadingMelissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Un hombre de Windsor, en el sur de Inglaterra, se someterá a una muy seria cirugía el próximo mes después de…
Continue ReadingAlexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Debía ser un día de primavera que la mayoría de los iraníes esperaban con impaciencia. Los árboles que bordean los…
Continue ReadingBy Helen Regan, CNN The Great Barrier Reef has deteriorated to such an extent it should be listed as a world heritage site “in danger,” a…
Continue ReadingBy Keith Allen and Joe Sutton, CNN At least three people were killed and four others injured in a shooting Monday night in St. Louis, Missouri,…
Continue Readingolivertapia Hong Kong (CNN) — El líder de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong Un, tiene mayores problemas en este momento, más allá de lidiar con Estados…
Continue ReadingBy Ben Westcott, CNN Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan refused to condemn the Chinese government’s alleged human rights abuses against the…
Continue ReadingFrancesca Street, CNN Ashgabat in Turkmenistan is the most expensive city in the world for overseas workers, according to this year’s Mercer…
Continue ReadingAnalysis by Ronald Brownstein The huge voter turnout over the past three elections could scramble the usual dynamics of midterm voting —…
Continue ReadingAnalysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN America is heading into a best of times, worst of times summer as the longed-for promise of deliverance from…
Continue ReadingOpinion by Jill Filipovic As ranked-choice voting rolls out in New York City, there are some hiccups. While the process of ranked-choice voting is…
Continue ReadingThe US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has blocked a federal judge’s controversial ruling that overturned California’s longtime ban on assault weapons,…
Continue ReadingSen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) got an earful from voters while attending a Juneteenth rally. Johnson told reporters that the boos were “not how you heal the…
Continue ReadingBy Brian Stelter, CNN Business A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. You can sign up for free…
Continue ReadingÁngela Reyes (CNN) — En momentos en que la sequía extrema asola el oeste de Estados Unidos y se gestan tormentas más intensas en los trópicos,…
Continue ReadingBy Katelyn Polantz, CNN The Justice Department released three videos on Monday used in a federal court case against a Capitol riot defendant accused…
Continue ReadingMigrant children who crossed the US-Mexico border alone are still spending prolonged time in temporary government facilities, raising concerns among…
Continue ReadingAlexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Brendan Fraser hizo una rara aparición el fin de semana y dio que hablar en internet. El actor de 52 años apareció en…
Continue ReadingCarl Nassib, a defensive lineman with the Las Vegas Raiders, has played in the NFL for five years and said he “agonized over the decision” to…
Continue ReadingÁngela Reyes (CNN) — Carl Nassib, liniero defensivo de los Raiders de Las Vegas, es el primer jugador activo en la historia de la NFL en anunciar…
Continue ReadingProsecutors could decide whether to seek an indictment against the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg as soon as next…
Continue ReadingAlexandra Ferguson (CNN) — La estrella insospechada de «Friends» James Michael Tyler anunció que está luchando contra un cáncer de próstata…
Continue ReadingAlexandra Ferguson (CNN)– Cuando se dieron a conocer los datos finales de la fase 3, que mostraban que las vacunas de ARNm fabricadas por…
Continue ReadingSanta Cruz County Fair is coming back to the Central Coast in September.…
Continue ReadingLocal leaders said a new shopping Center in Hollister aimed to keep the local economy going strong. Some residents took to social media, questioning…
Continue ReadingCNNEspañol sjv (CNN Español) — Hay dos hechos internacionales realmente muy significativos. Ambos con derivaciones importantísimas que están en…
Continue ReadingSALINAS, Calif. (KMUV) Autoridades confirman que fue una mujer de 25 años quien recibió tres heridas de bala en el brazo mientras estaba en un…
Continue ReadingBy Lauren M. Johnson, CNN A New York woman is giving back to the community after more than 150 Amazon boxes that did not belong to her showed up at…
Continue ReadingBy Lilit Marcus, CNN If you follow luxury resorts or travel influencers on Instagram, odds are good that you’ve seen at least one…
Continue ReadingHOLLISTER, Calif. (KMUV) Un hombre en Hollister está enfrentando varios cargos por presuntamente arrojar a muerte a una mujer mientras iba bajo la…
Continue ReadingMarysabel E. Huston-Crespo (CNN Español) — Esta semana, el doctor Elmer Huerta responde las preguntas de nuestra audiencia, entre ellas, varias…
Continue ReadingBomberos del Condado de Monterey comentaron que para controlar el incendio Willow primero deben crear un mapa con la ubicación y trayectoria del…
Continue ReadingOpinion by Keith Boykin This week Democrats will try to advance a sweeping new voting rights bill in the US Senate. The legislation, which passed the…
Continue ReadingBy Erica Orden, CNN The Trump Organization on Monday sued the city of New York after it ended its contract for a golf course at Ferry Point Park in…
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