King City alternate housing site prepares for COVID-19 patients

KING CITY, Calif. (KION) San Lorenzo County Park in King City may still look like a campground, but starting Thursday, the space is open to take on a new role in Monterey County.
"We're taking people from their normal living situation and making them isolate. That is the health officer's order," said Monterey County Emergency Services Manger, Gerry Malais.
The park is prepared to house up to 120 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 and aren't able to safely isolate in their own residence.
"We have a testing site in Greenfield to help us better understand what's happening in our community with this virus. Now, we have facilities like this," said Monterey County supervisor, Chris Lopez.
Lopez said the new site has brought some business to south Monterey County. Local vendors were hired to supply food. "That might just be that extra piece of help they need to get through the economic downturn," said Lopez.
The state of California donated 15 trailers to Monterey County. They will provide a place for residents to sleep, eat and recover from symptoms.
Monterey County spent $480,000 to set up a similar housing site at the Monterey County Fairgrounds. Others are in the works across the county.
There is a chance the sites may never be used, but officials stressed the importance of being prepared in an uncertain time. "This is not just about the people that get infected. This is about keeping it from people that aren't infected," said Malais.