19th Annual Sgt. Magaña toy Drive spreads holiday cheer in east Salinas
Down in East Salinas, a tradition of bringing joy on Christmas morning continues. It was nearly two decades ago when Salinas Police Sgt. Gerry Magaña had the idea.
"This started off as a young patrol officer, a rookie driving around in my patrol car, working Christmas day and seeing kids out on Christmas morning outside, playing on the streets, but they weren't playing with any balls or toys," Sgt. Magaña said.
It was done that Sgt. Magaña, with his own money, would buy toys to give out to children in the community.
Originally it was something Magaña did on his own without any advertising.
But now, in its 19th year, its grown to become an annual part of the holiday season in Salinas with people donating to make sure spirits are bright.
Joining in the fun this year is new Salinas Police Chief Carlos Acosta who is reaching out to families and fostering connection.
"I love to see kids smile during the holiday season and Christmas," Salinas Police Chief Carlos Acosta said. "And this is just a great opportunity to see them speak to the families, speak to kids, talk about sports, talk about what they're doing during their winter break, and let them know that we're a resource.”
The donated toys stuffed the trunk of police car and a whole van to give to children of all ages.
Some even walking away with a new bicycle.
That goes along with the connections created by Sgt. Magaña through this program.
"Now some families have turned it around and will give me presents. And it's a really heartfelt feeling that they give back and - and we're all we're all in this together," Sgt. Magaña said.
Sgt. Magaña hopes that the tradition will continue on long after his time serving with the police in the future.