Hiker rescued after sending SOS for hypothermia Thursday; Monterey County Sheriff’s Office
BIG SUR, Calif. (KION-TV) -- A 12-hour rescue mission during the recent storms Thursday ended with a hypothermic hiker being carried over eight miles of steep and rugged terrain, according to the Monterey County Sheriff's Office.
Deputies say that their Search and Rescue team along with CalFire, Big Sur Fire, Urban Search and
Rescue and California State Parks rescued the hiker in Andrew Molera State Park east of Highway 1.

According to deputies, they were notified around noon Thursday that a hiker had sent out an SOS activation from their GPS device that indicated they were hypothermic and needed help.
After close to eight miles away at around 4,000 feet in elevation under undesirable weather conditions, deputies say that rescuers were finally able to locate the hiker after 5:30 p.m.

They said they sent a request for assistance for California Highway Patrol’s H-70 helicopter, but the helicopter had to turn back due to weather conditions.
The hiker was carried down the trail and transferred to a waiting ambulance nearby around midnight, nearly 12 hours after the rescue operation started, according to the Sheriff's Office.
“The weather conditions on February 13th, were not favorable for hiking, making this situation dangerous, not only for the public, but for our rescuers as well," said Monterey County Sheriff Tina Nieto.