Importance of keeping your routine during isolation

CARMEL, Calif. (KION) The shelter in place order has everyone stuck at home feeling anxious, stressed or even depressed.
Many daily routines and rituals have been abandoned since the shelter in place order. With an unprecedented "new normal" most people aren't sure what to do with themselves or their emotions.
"This is an enemy we don't clearly know how to fight," says Dr. Gary Richman, a Psycotherapist based in Carmel-by-the-sea.
He's changing up his practice with clients, doing his meeting through video conference. His message during this time is "surviving the cure."
"Surviving the cure is emotionally staying balanced and developing a routine that will allow us to feel safe and secure," Richman says. "What's happening is people are attempting to deal with their anxieties fear and concerns."
Many are doing so by self-medicating with alcohol, prescription or recreational drugs. We've already seen an increase in alcohol and marijuana sales.
"People are scared and when they're scared… and we're fearful, which leads to a certain aspect of even depression, what do we do? We isolate," says Richman.
Instead, doctors recommend carrying on with your workout routines, although they're adjusted during this time. Another tip is to communicate any problems you may have with family, friends, and professionals.
"We need to connect with people. we need to do FaceTime and Skype and Zoom weekly to see other people and not feel so isolated," says Richman
Keeping your mental health strong is key as we all deal with this shelter-in-place order together.