City of Pacific Grove looking to amend its noise ordinance for local live music
PACIFIC GROVE, Calif. (KION-TV) - The City of Pacific Grove is looking changing their rules surrounding changing their rules over live music and noise. City Council voted by 4-2 Wednesday night to approve a first reading of an noise ordinance amendment.
Currently the city has a 70 decibel ordinance which is about the level of a standard conversation. They’re now looking at increasing the threshold to 80 decibels or more. This rules applies to music and entertainment, indoors and outdoors.
“I have received several emails that say, why don't we keep our dollars in pacific grove coming to dinner? There's say, a jazz band going on, rather than sending it out to the other cities," Pacific Grove Mayor Pro Tem Joe Amelio said.
Amelio emphasizes the economic impact live music has on local businesses. Co-owner of wild fish restaurant Liz Jacobs says her business had to put live music on pause for other reasons, and explained the effect of that.
“Our revenue year on year is 20% down. So that is the loss that we've had with the loss of our live music," Wild Fish Restaurant co-owner Liz Jacobs said.
During the meeting, people in the community were split between keeping the music going and possibly muting it all together.
"I have to close all of our windows where a head canceling headphone," Pacific Grove resident Denise said."
“I think this is a really exciting open door to talk about what we could do as a downtown scene," Christine Walkingstick said.
Many council members brought up the need to balance the needs of local businesses, while also addressing the concerns for people living nearby. That also included further exploring the overall impact and how these rules are altered.
The ordinance moved forward by a 4-2 vote with council members Walkingstick and McDonald voting against. It will now be brought up for further discussion at a future meeting.