New PG&E transformer hopes to prevent Monterey power outages
MONTEREY, Calif. (KION-TV) -- PG&E says a new, more powerful, multi-million dollar transformer will help prevent power outages in Monterey. "I have never lived somewhere with this many power outages in my life," Monterey resident Lisa Gering said.
But PG&E officials say a new $7 million transformer is about to fix that. It is 2.5 times the power of the old one.
"This substation transformer is really gonna enable a lot of economic growth, but it's gonna add to the resiliency and redundancy to our local electric grid," PG&E Regional Senior Manager Jeremy Howard said. "That's going to reduce outages to occur. It does happen and able to restore it to customers faster."
Something thats been a real concern and frustration here recently for most customers.
"Now, we're thinking we need to get a generator. Our food has gone bad multiple times so its been really inconvenient and challenging," Gering said.
Howard explains the increase in power outages in recent times is also due to our changing weather.
"What we've seen in climate change is the intensity in the storms that were hitting here in the Central Coast," Howard said. "Going back to the atmospheric rivers [in] 2023, again in early 2024, and we had this December 14 wind event, the 15th largest on record for PG&E. The bullseye came and hit the Monterey area."
Although the initial project was for handling economic growth as homes, businesses and cars become all electric, Howard says this powerful machine sent over from Korea will make a difference for the people who live here.
"Our customers will see a difference. The power should stay on and if they were to experience an outage we're gonna have a lot more ways to have them restored quickly," Howard said.
"I hope so I'm skeptically optimistic," Gering said.
The new transformer, located at the Del Monte Substation is set to start operation in march. And will serve customers in Monterey, Seaside and customers throughout the Monterey Peninsula.