Vegas school district fires substitute who wrote racial slur

LAS VEGAS (AP) — The Clark County School District has fired a substitute teacher who wrote racial slur on a whiteboard during a class at a Las Vegas school.
Several local outlets reported Wednesday that administrators sent a message to parents this week that the substitute had been terminated and would no longer be allowed to work anywhere in the district.
A photo of someone speaking to a classroom full of students with the racial slur against Black people on a whiteboard in the background had been gaining attention on social media.
The incident happened at Silvestri Junior High. In a statement, Principal Yvette Tippetts said the school is investigating.
District officials have not released the name of the fired substitute teacher.
Some parents and organizations such as Las Vegas Alliance of Black School Educators said the firing was not enough. They added that there should be more anti-racism training not just for teachers, but for substitutes.