Santa Cruz Sheriff’s looking for missing 83-year-old man

SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, Calif. (KION-TV)--The Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office is looking for a man who was last seen driving at the intersection of Portola and 17th Avenue by a family member.
Wesley Gunst, 83, is described as being 6 feet tall, around 150 to 160 pounds with short, wavy white hair, blue eyes and a thin build.
The family said he is believed to be with his 2005 black infinity SUV with the license plate 5PFG568. There is a sticker on the front driver's side windshield that says "oasis country club."
According to police, Wesley doesn't go out this long and does not know the area very well. He does frequent the Capitola Road, 41st Avenue and Brommer Street and Portola corridors.