MST receives grant to buy zero-emission bus, renewable diesel
SALINAS, Calif. (KION) Monterey-Salinas Transit announced Monday that it has been chosen to receive a $594,919 grant from the California Department of Transportation's Low Carbon Transit Operations Program.
MST said it will use the money to buy an additional zero-emission bus, buy renewable diesel for existing diesel buses and create electric bus charging infrastructure at the Clarence J. Wright Operations Division in Salinas. The agency expects the switch to renewable diesel to reduce yearly greenhouse gas by 20,148 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Each zero-emission bus (SEB) in the fleet is expected to reduce yearly greenhouse gas by 1,853 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year.
“By purchasing power from 100% renewable sources for our growing ZEB fleet, and using renewable diesel for our remaining heavy-duty bus fleet, Monterey-Salinas Transit is reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels, and creating a healthier planet with every trip we make," said MST CEO/General Manager Carl Sedoryk.
The Low Carbon Transit Operations Program provides funding for projects intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve sustainability.