Monterey County releases dashboard to see which businesses are in compliance with COVID-19 guidelines

MONTEREY COUNTY, Calif. (KION) The Monterey County Environmental Health Bureau has released a new dashboard showing which businesses have complied with COVID-19 guidelines.
Businesses marked in green are in compliance and considered "COVID Ready" by the county, but many businesses are listed in red. Many of them are listed for not showing the county what they are doing to comply with health orders.
Other businesses, such as the Tuck Box and Aloha Café and Coffee are listed for not complying overall. Both businesses recently had their business licenses revoked or suspended.
"As we know even with vaccinations rolling out the accountability for wearing masks, social distancing and following regulations are very important. The vaccines are just one part of us getting through this," said Ricardo Encarnacion with the Environmental Health Bureau.
On the dashboard, users can search to see which businesses are in compliance and which ones are not
See the dashboard below or through the link here.