Fire season begins in Monterey, San Benito Counties Monday

UPDATE 5/18/2020 11 a.m. Cal Fire declared fire season in San Benito and Monterey Counties as of 8 a.m. Monday.
Cal Fire BEU said rain this winter and spring meant a significant crop of grass, but the heat recently has turned it into flammable vegetation.
“Please protect your life and property, as well as the lives of firefighters, by creating and maintaining a minimum of 100 feet of defensible space. We’re ready for wildfire; are you?” said Unit Chief David Fulcher.
Since the beginning of the year, Cal Fire said its crews and firefighters around the state have responded to 1,100 wildfires that have burned more than 1,800 acres. To prevent more, the agency is asking residents to maintain a minimum of 100 feet of defensible space around all homes.
Cal Fire suggests clearing all dead or dying vegetation within 100 feet around all structures, landscaping with fire or drought tolerant plants and finding alternative ways to dispose of landscape debris.
PREVIOUS STORY: Cal Fire has declared fire season in San Benito and Monterey Counties.
It officially begins at 8 a.m. on May 18. Cal Fire said it declared fire season because of dry weather and increased flammability of forest fuels and grasses.
The declaration applies to all state and local lands under Cal Fire's jurisdiction.