New chat line helps residents stay connected during Shelter in Place
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (KION) With the help of about 20 volunteers, Santa Cruz resident and CEO of Nanda Journeys, Nicola Balmain created a free chat line for residents to stay connected during the Shelter in Place.
The inspiration came to her after experiencing first hand the stresses of being confined at home and also from her own experiences from traveling the globe.
She says self-isolation can often lead to sadness or loneliness and she considers the chat line a positive way to engage people who may have little or no contact with others, especially the elderly.
"It must be super lonely for the elder generation that really have been told to stay home and not engage in grocery shopping or to not do things. It must be so isolating and lonely so, really, we're here to serve that purpose," says Balmain.
The guidelines for the chat line state that conversations are aimed to be about 10-15 minutes long but can be extended if the situation calls for it.
The volunteers are also given other resources for any callers in need of professional support.
“We really are there just to have a chat. So, you know, we’re not professionals, we’re not there to provide a mental health service, or a professional service of any level. It’s just like going to the coffee shop and having a chat with somebody in our neighborhood, we just can’t do it in person," says Balmain.
The chat line is open for people of all ages and is available daily from 8 a.m to 8 p.m.
The chat line number is 1 (888) 278-6704.
For anyone interested in volunteering, email