Josh Kristianto Vlog: The Start of a Whirlwind Journey
SALINAS, Calif. (KION) Welcome to my first in a series of video blogs I did while on my trip to London the week of March 8, 2020 through March 14, 2020.
A group of three of us went. We originally planned to go to Rome, Italy, for a week, having already planned the vacation since summer last year. But with a deteriorating situation in that country, we decided to go to London and Paris instead, places that weren't as heavily hit at that point.
We didn't realize that the COVID-19 pandemic would soon impact us in a very upfront way in England. We would soon be affected by federal government travel restrictions, travel booking company backups and even workplace restrictions to keep the KION newsroom safe (which I fully understand).
It's a vacation we'll not soon forget. It's a global crisis we won't soon forget either, locally, nationally and worldwide. We were blessed to have left the UK in time before things got worse, but it was a ride to remember.
You can find more of my vlogs in the Health Tab under Coronavirus, then Life Under Confinement.