Pajaro Valley USD ensures meals and groceries to families during school closures
To ensure that students who rely on the PVUSD for daily meals while school is in session continue to receive those benefits while schools are closed, the district is providing an important resource.
There will be 16 schools set up to distribute meals. Meals and groceries will be free to all PVUSD families during the closures and they will drive up or walk up and take off campus. The sites and times for picking up food for the week of March 16 - 20 are here:
Alianza Charter
7am - 9am
Ann Soldo Elem
7am - 9am
Hall District Elem
7am -9am
Pajaro Middle
7am - 9am
Rolling Hills Middle
7am - 9am
Amesti Elem
8am - 10am
Calabasas Elem
8am - 10am
Freedom Elem
8am - 10am
Landmark Elem
8am - 10am
Mar Vista Elem
8am - 10am
Ohlone Elem
8am - 10am
Radcliff Elem
8am - 10am
Starlight Elem
8am - 10am
EA Hall Middle
9am - 11am
Renaissance High
9am - 11am
Watsonville High
9am - 11am