Leon Panetta and party leaders discuss impeachment inquiry
Much like in Congress, opinions on the impeachment inquiry and hearings are divided along party lines here on the Central Coast.
“No one is above the law in this country,” said Democratic Women of Monterey County President Kate Daniels.
“I think that the Constitution makes it clear that the president makes foreign policy. I don’t think that he did anything criminal,” said Monterey County Republican Party Chairman Jeff Gorman.
But former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta is taking a more neutral approach Wednesday, saying the facts should come first.
“It shouldn’t be about politics. What it should be about is whether or not this allegation against the president is true. And if it is true, how do we hold presidents accountable,” Panetta said.
Democrats at a local viewing party think this inquiry is something that needs to be done, even though there’s a chance it will be halted in the Republican-controlled Senate.
“If you break the law, we’re going to investigate so whether or not the outcome of the impeachment hearings is the impeachment of President Donald Trump, it’s an example that we’re setting, not only in the United States but for the rest of the world that we follow the rule of law,” said Daniels.
Monterey County Republican Party Chairman Jeff Gorman told KION legislators have more important things to focus on.
“This concern about Mr.Trump is very distracting and I think we as a country would be better off to quarantine it and still focus on the function of the federal government.”
At the end of the day, Panetta says the country should come first.
"All the members–Republican and Democrat–swear an oath to protect, defend and secure the Constitution of the United States, and that comes first," Panetta said.
The impeachment hearings will continue Thursday morning.