Law enforcement warns of fentanyl disguised to look like marijuana
Law enforcement is seeing a dangerous trend, according to an internal law enforcement bulletin obtained by KION’s sister station in Salt Lake City. The bulletin warned that a deadly drug is popping up disguised to look like marijuana and to be aware of the dangers.
The bulletin said the drug tested positive for fentanyl, heroin, tramadol and traces of meth.
“I think a lot of death could come from this, I think — a lot of people stepping into the realm of overdose unexpectedly,” said Chris Ruflin, who was formerly addicted to drugs, of the photos that were included.
The fake drugs have been seen in Ohio and Canada so far, but police in Salt Lake City worry that the drug will spread across the country.
The bulletin also reminded officers that it is not just dangerous for drug users. Law enforcement officials may come into contact with fentanyl if they believe they are holding marijuana.
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KION 2019