City of Salinas gives go-ahead on East Alisal corridor revitalization
Salinas city council members are moving forward with a plan presented on Tuesday night which would revitalize East Alisal Street from Bardin Road to Front Street.
The question that remains is how feasible is the design and how much would it coast?
The design came as a report from various city agencies, including Public Works and the Community Development division.
It includes expanded sidewalk space, new bike lanes, traffic calming systems as well as lighting.
Much of the improvements are coming as a request of the residents who live and walk up and down East Alisal each day.
City leaders say part of the reason they okay’d this project is because of the hundreds of businesses in that portion of Salinas which could thrive with a revamped image on their store-fronts.
However the plan isn’t without skepticism. Including from those same business owners.
In its attempt to survey businesses and residents they found many of them to feel tired of hearing the “same old stuff” about revitalizing the area.
Planning Department officials with the city say if the city really wants to assure residents this isn’t the same as other attempts to revive East Alisal, they have to put their best foot forward.
The design was given unanimous approval by city council members and now awaits more research into the feasibility of the project and how much it would cost.