Dangerous levels of toxins found in mussels from Santa Cruz County
The California Department of Public Health is warning the public not to eat recreationally harvested mussels, clams or whole scallops from Santa Cruz County.
“Dangerous levels of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins have been detected in mussels from this area. The naturally occurring PSP toxins can cause illness or death in humans,” said CDPH officials.
Health officials said cooking does not destroy the toxin.
Symptoms of PSP to look out for within a few minutes of exposure include tingling of the lips and tongue, balance problems, lack of muscular coordination, slurred speech, and difficulty swallowing.
The warning applies to Santa Cruz county, but there are also health advisories in Alameda and Contra Costa, Sonoma, Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo, Monterey, and San Luis Obispo counties.
It does not apply to commercially sold seafood from state-certified harvesters or dealers that are subject to frequent mandatory testing.