New study says Santa Cruz drivers spend 12% of their day behind the wheel
It’s no secret Santa Cruz County traffic congestion has increased over the years, a new study is showing just how bad it’s getting.
A report released by Intrix Global says Santa Cruz has the worst daytime congestion impacting businesses with drivers spending 12% of their day behind the wheel.
It’s something drivers in Santa Cruz KION spoke with are not surprised by. “Last year was the busiest yet. It’s faster to walk somewhere than to try and get in your vehicle or find parking or get stuck in the congestion,” says resident Barbra Baker.
It’s something Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission is trying to get ahead of with their new 2040 Regional Transportation Plan. “The plan brings together the total list of projects that are needed in our county and then breaks that up into the projects that could be funded by the available projected revenues,” says Senior Transportation Planner Ginger Dykaar.
Most of the funding coming from Measure D passed by voters in 2016. Also more than $20 million expected to come from SB1, more commonly known as the recent Gas Tax.
“Senate Bill 1 is making a huge difference and if it continues, it will make a huge difference for our community,” says Dykaar.
The project in the 2040 plan aim to not only give commuters an easy drive, but Dykaar says they are also aiming at giving the more options, “so have a multi mobile transportation system, have opportunities for people to bike or walk more, to take transit as well as get around efficiently in their car.”
The final plan is expected to be released in June 2018. For more information you can visit