Two school bond measures failing in North Monterey County district election
It’s election day and voters in the North Monterey County Unified School District are voting on two measures, as well as a board of trustee member for Area 2.
Here are the current results for the measures:
Measure E (43% Yes, 57% No)
“To reopen and rebuild Moss Landing Middle School, constructing new campus classrooms, buildings and library, replacing infrastructure, providing technology for 21st century learning, hereby allowing the current middle school to reconvert to an elementary school relieving severe overcrowding at elementary schools, shall North Monterey County Unified School District be authorized to issue $36,000,000 in bonds at interest rates within the legal limit with no funds for administrator salaries and an appointed Independent Oversight Committee to monitor all bond expenditures?”
Measure F (45% Yes, 55% No)
“To upgrade schools by replacing old portables with new classrooms, science labs, athletic facilities at reopened middle school, relieving overcrowding, reducing traffic congestion, increasing safety, repairing or replacing inefficient heating, plumbing, electrical systems; replacing, constructing and renovating schools, shall the North Monterey County Unified School District be authorized to issue $40,000,000 in bonds at interest rates within the legal limit with no funds for administrator salaries and an appointed Independent Oversight Committee to monitor all bond expenditures?”
For more information you can go to the county website here.