Brazilian soap opera seeks extras in Carmel and Monterey
A casting crew for a Brazilian soap opera is looking for locals in Monterey and Carmel to serve as extras.
Beau Bonneau Casting will be in the area Thursday and Friday to film the televison show “Generation Brazil.”
On Thursday, they will be filming at an undisclosed mansion in Carmel. For that day, they are seeking the following extras.
Press Types: Journalists, Photographers; men and women ages 25 to 50.
Mansion security/driver with black suits: men in their 20s to 40s.
Mansion hostess: beautiful, “classy” women in their 20s to 30s with fancy dresses
Friday’s shoot will be an affulent-looking black tie wedding, location not yet disclosed.
Beautiful women: ages 20s to 40s, model types, Hollywood starlet types
Superstar celebrity types: attractive, glamorous men and women in their 20s to 40s.
Silicon Valley VIP types: men and women ages 25 to 40s, executives and “new money types.”
Shoots could last up to 10-12 hours and will start around 7 or 8 a.m., with exact times to be determined. Extras will be paid $85.92 for Thursday’s shoot plus overtime if needed. Extras hired as wedding guests will be paid $150 for 10 hours with overtime if applicable. Lunch and snacks will be provided.
Extras will need to have government-approved ID and authorization to work in the U.S. To apply, email the following to
Subject line should be your date of availability
Cellphone number
City you live in
Height, weight, age
Two recent color snapshots, close up and standing, smiling
If submitting for 3/21, describe possible wardrobe options in your possession
For more information, visit Beau Bonneau Casting’s Facebook page or website.