King City opens floor to residents amid allegations against police
Charges of alleged embezzlement, bribery and conspiracy against the police department have King City people opening up about their own safety.
Like Hilberto Sario, who says his car was towed after being pulled over. A venture that cost him $2,000.
“There’s a lot of danger here in King City,” Sario said through a translator. “Because what happened with the police, it has created a lot of danger and there’s no confidence in the police.”
Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action, or COPA, is a nonprofit organization trying to give that confidence back to the people.
“The city needs to be present to hear the comments that are made and hopefully be a part of the solution,” said City Manager Michael Powers.
Last week more than 200 people signed a petition to oust Powers as city manager in an effort to hold someone accountable for the police department. Powers said up until now, he couldn’t act on pure hearsay.
“Despite trying to solicit complaints in the past when had heard rumors of towing no one had come forward with actual complaints,” he said.
“Being a part of these types of conversations I still feel very uncomfortable but I trust there will be a solution to all of this,” Sario said.
Although the stories of King City residents may be going around in a circle, their concerns are moving forward.
Former Chief Nick Baldiviez and officer Mario Mottu Sr. will be in court Monday.