Pet of the Week: Meet Mandarin!
Meet Mandarin, part of a litter of six surrendered to Our Neighborhood Pet Project (ONPP) by a family in Greenfield when they were unable to care for so many kittens. ONPP was able to get the mama cat spayed so there will be no more unwanted kittens. The litter was divided among two foster families and the kittens are almost ready for adoption.

Now about 9 weeks old, Mandarin has the classic dark ear tips, nose and paws, and blue eyes of a Siamese kitten. He and his brothers have settled in to their foster home and are quite active and curious.
Mandarin has already taken a lead role among them, and is the first out to explore a new place and play
with new toys.
He’s also the first to chase kitten treats, treating them as prey to be chased down and pounced on. Like his brothers, Mandarin is also quickly becoming quick comfortable with people, already climbing on and playing on his foster parents. Like most Siamese, he’s already become quite vocal and will meow to get your attention if you leave him alone too long.
His playmates include another Siamese, a brown tabby, and a tuxedo, all brothers. This means they would be ideal if someone is thinking about adopting a pair of kittens. Because he’s a Siamese kitten, Mandarin will continue to be talkative and affectionate as he gets older. His ideal home should be high activity and have other companions around most of the day.

If you're interested in adopting Mandarin, you can submit an adoption application at Or you can go to their adoption event set for Saturday, June 29th, at SNIPville Pet Care in Prunedale, from 11:30 am until 2:30 pm