Calif. Health and Human Services Secretary announces Master Plan for Aging

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KION) The Newsom Administration announced the release of California’s first-ever Master Plan for Aging, a comprehensive framework that will prepare the state for significant demographic changes.
California's Health and Human Services Secretary, Dr. Mark Ghaly, spoke Wednesday, and according to agency officials, COVID-19 has highlighted the urgent need to embrace new ways of supporting older Californians, people with disabilities and communities of color. State officials expect the 60 and over population to grow to 10.8 million people by 2030. Along with growing numbers, the "Master Plan" discussed today seeks to apply hard lessons learned from the pandemic to a new 10-year strategy for creating an age-friendly California where older adults can thrive.
The plan outlined five bold goals and 23 strategies that seeks to build a California for all ages, including a data dashboard for tracking progress and local play books to help the on the ground partnerships. The plan originates from an Executive Order issued in June 2019 directing the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency to develop a strategy for promoting health and well-being for older Californians.
A 10-year blueprint was presented in efforts for promoting healthy aging—including five proposals for building housing for all ages, improving access to health services, providing inclusive opportunities for seniors to live and work without fear of abuse and neglect, bolstering the caregiving workforce, and increasing economic security for aging Californians.
The agencies "Master Plan for Aging’s Five Bold Goals for 2030" are:
- Housing for All Ages and Stages. We will live where we choose as we age in communities that are age-, disability-, and dementia-friendly and climate- and disaster-ready. Target: Millions of New Housing Options to Age Well.
- Health Reimagined. We will have access to the services we need to live at home in our communities and to optimize our health and quality of life. Target: Close the Equity Gap in and Increase Life Expectancy.
- Inclusion and Equity, Not Isolation. We will have lifelong opportunities for work, volunteering, engagement, and leadership and will be protected from isolation, discrimination, abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Target: Keep Increasing Life Satisfaction as We Age.
- Caregiving That Works. We will be prepared for and supported through the rewards and challenges of caring for aging loved ones. Target: One Million High-Quality Caregiving Jobs.
- Affording Aging. We will have economic security for as long as we live. Target: Close the Equity Gap in and Increase Elder Economic Sufficiency.
To learn more about the full Master Plan for Aging you can visit or stayed tuned to KION for the latest updates