New visitor policies at Central Coast medical centers due to coronavirus concerns
Hospitals and medical care centers are putting in new visitation restrictions because of COVID-19 concerns.
The goal of the new policies is to protect patients, visitors and staff by preventing the spread of the disease.
Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System:
- Patients and visitors will be screened before going through the hospital's front entrance and Emergency Room.
- Visitors with flu-like symptoms will not be allowed in the facility.
- Patients who show symptoms consistent with coronavirus or those who have travel or contact history that represents a coronavirus risk will be processed through triage and/or isolation procedures.
- The Hospital will only allow visitors age 16 and older.
- Patients will only be allowed to have one visitor during the patient's stay.
- Exceptions will be considered for patients who are critically ill or end-of-life.
- Obstetrics patients can have up to two visitors- a partner and a birth support person.
Some of the hospital's departments may have more restrictions, and staff may add more considerations on a case-by-case basis.
Other measures the hospital is taking include:
- Canceling support groups, health promotion classes and events
- Canceling non-essential staff meetings
- Using audio and video conferencing when it is possible
- Providing options to work from home for some positions
- Changing food policy and procedures in the cafeteria by getting rid of the salad bar and self-serve food options
A spokesperson for the hospital said in a statement that family and friends play an important role in healing and recommend patients use FaceTime, Skype or phones to stay in contact with loved ones.
- COVID-19 screening questions for all patients, paying close attention to people who have a cough, fever and those who have recently traveled to determine if they are at risk for COVID-19.
- One visitor per patient is allowed
- Visitors much be at least 16-years-old
- Screening all visitors upon entering facilities for fever and cough. Anyone who is ill must postpone their visit.
Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula:
- Check in at the front entrance.
- People going to inpatient areas will be issued a temporary identification sticker
- Patients will be permitted only two visitors at a time
- Visitors must be 14 years of age or older
- Have no respiratory-illness symptoms
- No known or suspected exposure to a person with COVID-19
- No travel to an area considered high-risk for COVID-19
- People with chronic disease or who are over the age of 65 are discouraged from visiting the hospital.
- All visitors must be 16 years of age or older.
- Only one visitor per patient per day.
- Patients and visitors may only enter through the hospital main entrance or the Emergency Department. All other entrances are currently employee-access only.
- Masks are required at all times for Emergency Department patients experiencing fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and/or nasal congestion.
- If you want to visit someone in the hospital but you are experiencing fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, and/or nasal congestion, please wait until you have been symptom free for at least 48 hours.
Mee Memorial Healthcare System:
For patients
- If any respiratory symptoms or fever symptoms are present, patients are urged to call ahead before entering the facilities.
- All patients will be screened upon registering. If there is concern for COVID-19 infection, patients will be given a surgical mask and be isolated in a separate room for evaluation by a healthcare professional.
For visitors
- All visitors must be 16 years of age or older.
- Only one visitor per patient per day
- Patients and visitors may only enter through the hospital main entrance.
- Emergency Department entrance is to be used for ED patients only.
- Waiting room is for patients only.
- No visitors are allowed in the following areas: Skilled Nursing Facility, Dialysis, or Rehab Services.
- No visitors at any time with any respiratory symptoms including, cough, shortness of breath or a fever.
- Potential visitors will be screened at hospital entrances and all visitors will sign in and out.
Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital:
- Mabie Skilled Nursing Facility and Hazel Hawkins Memorial Hospital have temporarily restricted visitors to all skilled nursing residents in the two facilities to minimize the risk of COVID-19 to the residents.
This story can change with new information and developments