Theater student literally breaks leg before spring musical
By Jessica Guay
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Pennsylvania (KDKA) — We say break a leg to wish someone luck before a big show, but a Washington County high school theater student literally broke her leg less than two weeks before opening night.
Talented students at Chartiers-Houston Jr./Sr. High School are putting their best foot forward on wheels as they prepare to perform Xanadu for their spring musical this weekend.
But during one of their rehearsals, something happened that wasn’t in the script.
“I was practicing on roller skates. The whole musical is on roller skates,” said Grace Baer, a senior at Chartiers-Houston Jr./Sr. High School.
“I heard an ‘ow, that really hurt’ and I looked up from my script and there she was kind of on the floor, and we all rushed up to see what was wrong,” said Nicole Tafe, musical director of Chartiers-Houston School District’s Thespian Troupe #11413.
“I fell on a roller skate and I broke my tibia, fibula, and I fractured my ankle,” Baer said.
Baer is the lead actress, and after learning she had three bone breaks, she wasn’t sure if she’d be waiting in the wings for Friday’s opening night.
The cast and crew, and her friends and family were also worried she wouldn’t be able to take the stage.
Cue Eli Frame, an 8th grader in his first year of doing musicals at the school. He has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair.
“We had a spare, one that we use for like travel and stuff, but we aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and when my mom said ‘Could we use another chair for grace?’ I thought that was a great idea,” Frame said.
“I got an email from his mom the next morning saying Eli would like to offer his travel wheelchair to use during the show….I just cried, as soon as I got that email,” Tafe said.
Now Baer will be able to take the stage and play her part, but on a motorized wheelchair.
“Well now I’m still on wheels but I’m not on roller skates,” she said. “Dad and the stage crew created roller skates that will be like on my sides, so it’s very creative,” she added.
“It just made everything work. So three days later, with her determination because she’s that kind of kid, she was back up and at it,” Tafe said.
The musical director said Baer has worked so hard for her senior moment and deserves to be in the spotlight.
“She’s one of the beating hearts of this troupe here,” Tafe said.
“I knew this is her last year before college, so I knew that she, I didn’t want her last show to end on a bad note,” Frame said.
“Everyone’s so supportive and I have my friends, and I have my dad and my mom and they’re always here to help with the theatre and stuff and they made it easy,” Baer said.
Even with broken bones, Baer is ready to get the show on the road.
“Oh yeah, yes, the show must go on!” she said.
The first curtain for Xanadu at Chartiers-Houston Jr./Sr. High School raises Friday night at 7:30 p.m. They also have a 7:30 p.m. show on Saturday and a 2:30 p.m. finale on Sunday.
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