New signage to warn visitors: Stay Away from Sea Otters
Southern sea otters are the stars of Moss Landing. While much has been done to keep them safe from nosy visitors who invade their space, there’s now new signage to draw attention to reiterate the message.
There are already ‘Sea Otter Crossing’ signs posted in Moss Landing to remind drivers to slow down for otters. But these new signs aren’t your typical warnings, they’re catchy and creative.
One reads: “Don’t paddle too close while we’re searchin’ for a crab or a tasty sea urchin. Don’t land on our beach, and stay well out of reach, or you’ll frighten us into submergin’.”
If that kind of verse sounds familiar – it’s a limerick!
Three posters were created by winners of an online contest – Who could write the best limerick which conveys the message of not disturbing the otters.
The resident rafts, or group of otters, can be disturbed as many as 20 times a day, using up precious energy resources.
The signs were posted at three different locations at Moss Landing’s North Harbor. They’re in areas where private boats and kayakers can launch.
“We have great staff at the local renting shops that are giving them (visitors) lots of instructions and guidelines for interacting with wildlife, but a lot of people come here and bring their own equipment and they don’t have that interface with staff, with the operators to get that information and so we wanted to attract their attention,” said Gena Bentall, program coordinator for Sea Otter Savvy.
Advocacy group Sea Otter Savvy would eventually like to add signs like these in areas were otters are heavily populated, like Monterey, Morro Bay and Port San Luis.
Anything to keep the local celebrities, the sea otters, safe.
“People come to Moss Landing because this is one of the best places in the world to see wild sea otters and you can watch them easily from a quiet place, a respectful distance and watch their natural behaviors without getting too close.”