MST to help out vets
In just a few days, local veterans will be able to get around town for a lot less money. Thanks to government funding, veterans around the area will get a much needed lift. Starting Saturday, Monterey -Salinas Transit will be giving all veterans a 50% discount off their fares.
This is all possible because of Measure Q, an initiative voters passed in order to preserve community transit. MST wants to make sure they’re helping out veterans who may not have access to a car.
“Having this discount makes job training, seeking a job, and seeking other services, whether it’s medical or other types of social services that veterans need, make it a lot more accessible to veterans as they come back to the county,” says Hunter Havarth, Assistant General Manager with MST.
MST says they will accept up to six forms of veteran identification to join the veteran program. After presenting that, they will be issued a new photo ID that will allow them to travel at half the cost.