Fourth of July: How central coast residents can safely celebrate on the beach
SEASIDE, Calif. (KION) Now that the Fourth of July is here and people across the country are celebrating Independence Day, central coast residents are flocking to the beach.
KION spoke with a California State Parks Peace Officer who points at some things that swimmers need to look out for.
"Some of the potential risks that people can face when visiting the oceans here, especially along the central coast, is one, the cold water. As well as rip currents and inshore holes around our areas," said Ryan Petersen.
Petersen describes rip currents as a figurative river that moves backwards in the ocean that can potentially trap someone in their currents. The easiest way to spot a rip current is an area with foamy, muddy water and is usually located in deep water past the waves. If you happen to get caught in one, remember to stay calm.
“Swim parallel to shore or if you're not comfortable swimming in the ocean, just float on your back. Rip currents aren't going pull you underneath but just hold your breath and wait for help," said Petersen.
The lifeguards at Monterey State Beach decided to show KION a demonstration of what usually occurs in a rip current rescue. One lifeguard posed as the victim of a rip current while the other lifeguard "saved" the victim. The lifeguard will swim up to the victim and clip a buoy that will help keep the person afloat. Then, the lifeguard will swim backwards with the buoy attached and on their back to keep an eye on the victim and the current.
It's important to note that rescues should be kept to the professionals because, for the layperson, the task is tiresome and requires experience.
Most importantly, he says to stay on the lookout, especially with children.
"Our suggestion is to always be with your kids near the water holding their hand," said Petersen.
Petersen says the public should always come up to the lifeguards for questions and always swim with one in close vicinity.